Current Efforts
Who is working on ​this issue? Who do we need at the table?
NJ Strategic Advisory Group on Tobacco Prevention
NJ Tobacco-Free College Task-Force
NJ Tobacco-Free Student Advisory Board
The items below will help your campus plan for a seamless transition to a 100% Smoke & Tobacco-Free Campus.
Getting Started: Tips for Implementation (CYAN)
Policy Implementation Guidelines (CYAN)
6-month Implementation Timeline (CYAN)
18-month Implementation Timeline (CYAN)
Steps for Enacting a Smoke-free College Campus Policy (ANRF)
Student & Staff Surveys
Surveys are a useful first step to find out how campus constitutes feel about policy change, and whether or not they feel they are experiencing any negative effects of tobacco-use on campus.
Policy Resources
The items below will help your campus plan for a seamless transition to a 100% Smoke & Tobacco-Free Campus.
Sample 100% Tobacco-Free Policy (CYAN)

Cessation Resources
Fresh Start - American Cancer Society
Freedom from Smoking - American Lung Association
NJ Quitline - NJ Department of Health
NJ Quit Centers - NJ Department of Health